Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Build Confidence at Work

How to Build Confidence at Work How to Build Confidence at WorkHow to Improve Yur Self-Confidence at WorkIncrease your self-confidence to reap the benefits at work.Do you fear the prospect of making a mistake at work? Perhaps youre worried about getting something wrong or upsetting a colleague with honest feedback. While its natural to feel this way, a lack of self-confidence could actually hold you back in the workplace and prevent you from reaching your full potential. After all, having insecurities at work can make it hard to focus on your development and future success. On the other hand, being confident in yourself and your abilities helps you to feel good, increases your job satisfaction, and builds up your all-around happiness in your role.So, if you want to improve your self-confidence at work, check out our advice below.Be kind to yourselfWere often our own toughest critic. But if youre constantly thinking negative thoughts about your abilities and success, it can be hard to improve. So dont put yourself down Cut out negative language about yourself, focus on all the great skills you have and milestones youve reached, and think about what you can do instead of saying I cant.fruchtwein importantly, remember that its perfectly OK to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes help us to learn and improve. Next time you have a slip-up, instead of criticizing yourself, think of it as a learning experience you can use to avoid this happening again in the future. Fake it till you make itFeeling truly confident can take time, so hold your head up high, smile, and fake it till you make it. The right attitude will go a long way towards helping you think more positively.Be sure to act like you know your stuff. Even if youre feeling slightly doubtful, remember that your knowledge has gotten you this far already and will get you further in the future. If you continue to tell yourself that youre confident, in time, it will help you genuinely feel more confident. Whats more, others will see this self-assurance in you and theyll believe in your abilities too.Evaluate your performanceSeeing visible improvements in your work will increase your confidence in your abilities, and a great way to recognize this is to evaluate your performance. If you know your strengths, you can utilize these in the future, and, likewise, you can work on your weaknesses to help you improve in your role.Every time you complete a task, ask yourself if there was a better way you could have done it. Think about how you could be more productive and get better results, and then write down the actions youll take next time.Boost your skill setLearning new skills can help you become better at your job whether its soft skills, such as working on your communication with colleagues or hard skills related to your role, such as data handling.When youre performing better, youll feel more confident about your abilities and find new ways to work. Through this, you should be less likely to make the same mistake twice and be able to advance your career.Challenge yourselfWhen you push yourself out of your comfort zone, it helps you to learn what youre capable of. Naturally, this isnt always easy. Its understandable that youd want to stick with what youre good at, but challenging yourself is important for learning new skills and improving your self-confidence.When you achieve this, youll feel much more self-assured and see that youre able to do more than you thought was possible. In the future, youll feel more confident in taking on new tasks and trying out new roles. As a result, youll be able to propel yourself forward in your career.Stay informedWhen you know your stuff, you can speak more confidently about it, so make sure youre on the ball with whats happening in your industry. To do this, keep on top of the latest trends by researching news and updates, which could help you to identify new ways of working, as well.Dont forget the information thats on your doorstep eith er. Question senior colleagues about their expertise to help you expand your knowledge. Whats more, consider undertaking regular training and development courses to ensure that your information is up to date. If youre clued up, your colleagues will turn to you for information, which can help you to feel knowledgeable and foster your self-confidence.Improving your self-confidence at workConfidence is important in the workplace not only for success, but also for feeling happy and satisfied. So make sure you embrace yours to ensure this isnt holding you back. If youre finding this difficult, remember you can always fake it until you make it to help you inject some positivity into your work life.Click on the following link for more advice on how to get ahead.Feeling insecure about your resume? One of our professional resume writers can boost your resume confidence Check out our resume-writing packages today.Recommended Reading12 Things Successful People Do Each Morning4 Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone at WorkHow to Repair Your Reputation at Work After a Mistake

Monday, December 23, 2019

Hiring Climate for Creatives, June 2016 Update

Hiring Climate for Creatives, June 2016 UpdateHiring Climate for Creatives, June 2016 Update*/Read the infographic text.HIRING CLIMATE FOR CREATIVESJune 2016 UpdateWhat are your companys hiring plans for full-time creative employees?* Second half of 2016First half of 2016Expanding/adding new positions13%11%Maintaining/filling vacated positions59%76%Freezing/not filling vacated or new positions3%1%Reducing/eliminating positions 3%1%Dont know0%1%How challenging is it for your company to find skilled creative professionals today?46% Not challenging34% Somewhat challenging7% Very challenging13% Not applicable/not lookingTop areas creative executives expect to hire for in the second half of 201618% Content marketing18% Brand/product management18% Digital marketing18% Web design/productionMost challenging areas for companies to fill1. Web design/production2. Customer experience3. Brand/product management4. Content marketingSource The Creative Group survey of 400 marketing and advertisin g executives in the United States*Responses may not total 100 percent due to rounding. 2016 The Creative Group. A Robert Half Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to Write a Cover Letter

How to Write a Cover LetterHow to Write a Cover LetterWhat is a Cover Letter?A cover letter is a one page document you need to send with your resume to introduce yourself in a memorable and personal way to the hiring managers.Basically, it is a brief description of your achievements so far relevant to the jobs requirements.What to Include?Contact Information and DateSalutationOpening ParagraphMiddle ParagraphClosing ParagraphSignatureGuidelines for writing a Cover LetterIntroductionFirstly, you need to write the date along with your contact information. That will include your name, your address, your phone number and your professional email address.Then, check who you are writing to. Rather than just including Sir or Madam, include the individuals name along with his or her position in the company. It proves that you have worked hard to find out and given some thought instead of carelessly writing it.Now, give a brief summary of which position you are applying for and why. Tell what your goals are and what you have learned so far.Tell About YourselfYou should not go on telling stories about yourself in the letter, just include the relevant stuff only. Tell them about your skills and experiences required for the job. You just need to give them the idea that you are experienced enough, refrain yourself from telling them everything in detail. Use short sentences with impactful words making yourself as clear as possible.Do Not LieHonesty is actually the best policy in this case. Making up lies in your cover letter only reduces the chances of them reading your resume. So, try to be as honest as possible.Try To Be DifferentWhile matching your words according to the job description, try not to be the same as everyone one. Do avoid the common words or phrases, and point out something in you that only you have or at least try to make it sound something new. Add a little variation to make yourself stand out.

Friday, December 13, 2019

When you should help your coworkers and when to think twice

When you should help your coworkers and when to think twiceWhen you should help your coworkers - and when to think twiceWhen was the last time you helped a colleague at work?Helping in the workplace can take various forms- for example, training an intern, comforting a colleague in distress, or taking on extra work to complete a team project.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraIf your organization has a competitive work culture- or if youre anything like the35 percentof working Americans who feel overwhelmed by their workload- helping others in the workplace may not be at the top of your priority list. However, research suggests that mora helpful workplaces actually perform better they producebetter-quality productsand haveincreased sales. And helping others at work feels good.If you cant recall the last time you lent a hand to a coworker, the three questions below may help you sta rt thinking about your interactions at work and how you could be of more service to others in the workplace.1. When are you fruchtwein likely to help others at work?Are you more likely to help when a colleagueasksyou for help (called reactive helping) or when you perceive the need for help without being asked (proactive helping)?Surprisingly, proactive helping can sometimes be problematic. Arecent studysurveyed 51 employees from diverse industries on their proactive and reactive helping behaviors. They rated how much they helped coworkers make progress, deal with problems, or avoid potential problems either without being asked or when their coworkers explicitly requested help.The study found that when people engaged in reactive helping- helping when asked- they received more gratitude. In turn, the helpers perceived that they had a greater impact and felt more engaged at work the next day. Put simply, reactive helpers felt good after helping.But that wasnt the case for proactive hel pers. Proactive helpers didnt receive as much gratitude, which seemed to diminish the psychological returns for them.Even the most altruistically motivated helper wants to feel good about the contribution theyre making, and the good feelings we get from reactive helping will encourage us to help in the future.This doesnt mean we should never offer proactive help- but it has to be done carefully. Rather than jumping in and fixing something, you can help a colleague come up with their own solutions. Even better, you can encourage reactive helping by communicating to colleagues that youre willing to help if needed, increasing the likelihood that they will ask for help directly.2. Why do you help others at work?Motivation is a key driving force of behavior. The first step in understanding how you help others is to get clear on what motivates you.A2014 studyprovides some insight on why motives matter. The study surveyed 174 professionals, from diverse industries, about their helping beha viors in the workplace. Respondents were asked about how much they helped fellow colleagues by sharing work-related knowledge, helping with work problems, explaining a regulation or procedure, or helping a colleague after they were absent.They found that how much people helped depended on their motivation. Individuals who reported altruistic motives- based on personal values or a desire to contribute to the team- helpedmorethan employees who reported helping others under specific conditions (if it wouldnt interfere with their work, the person asking for help was perceived to be worthy, or they had the knowledge and skills to help).People motivated by altruism areless concernedwith their reputation and status when helping others. They help because they believe its the right thing to do, even if theres a personal cost in doing so, like lost time.If your reasons for helping others in the past have been less altruistic, be on the lookout for the next opportunity to beistand your work te am. Then, try focusing more on making a meaningful contribution to the group and less on the benefits you hope to gain. It will take some pressure off of you, and chances are youll be appreciated anyway (because your helping signals to the group your motivation tocontribute to the common good).3. Whom do you tend to help at work?Think back to the last several people you helped at work. Who were they?Chances are they shared many characteristics with you, like race, gender, or socioeconomic status.Researchshows that homophily, the tendency to connect to people who are similar to us, structures our social networks at work. As a result, your helping may be restricted to a homogenous group of work colleagues, limiting your efforts.In fact, research suggests that people are less helpful in more diverse work groups. A2009 studyof 1,762 employees from a large electronics company in Korea, representing 96 separate work units, found that in more diverse groups (in terms of gender and educatio n), respondents observed fewer of the following behaviors among coworkers 1) going out of their way to help others with work problems, 2) showing genuine concern and courtesy toward others, and 3) voluntarily helping new employees settle into the job.In addition to homophily, this pattern is likely linked tointergroup bias, as well. Intergroup bias causes us to subconsciously evaluate those who are similar to us more favorably than those who are not- for example, when determining the perceived worthiness of someone who needs our help. Or when deciding who is trustworthy, which also greatly impacts our likeliness to help others.One way to break this subconscious pattern is to expand your work network to be inclusive of those who are different from you and to be cognizant of your personal biases that may come into play when making decisions at work.Practicing mindfulness is a good starting point.While many efforts to boost workplace productivity today focus on increasing employee sati sfaction and well-being, helping merits more attention. Helping could be the missing link that explains why employees in a better mood perform better- happier employees are more likely to help others, and workplaces with helping cultures see better employee performance. And who wouldnt want to work in a happy, helpful, and productive workplace?This article first appeared on The Greater Good.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Life After Nursing Resume Skills

Life After Nursing Resume Skills Whats Really Going on with Nursing Resume Skills Proceed to the sample registered nurse resume Include an expert nursing cover letter with your work application. Wherever youre in your nursing career, weve got a resume sample that may help you write or update your nurse resume. Furthermore, your nursing resume will want to be specifically tailored to the work advertisement. The verb nursing is connected with caring. Theres nobody right approach to structure a resume. In spite of popular opinion, acquiring an objective statement near the top of your resume isnt necessarily to your benefit. Now that you know how resume examples can help you create an impressive resume, you will need to take time to locate a very good example for you to use. Before you decide on the one to use, make sure you look in any way of the example options so that you can guarantee the perfect one is decided on with confidence. If this Nursing resume example was not su fficient for you, youre totally free to review various other samples and templates from our website. Its possible for you to use samples to offer you a blue print on how best to compose your own resume. Many processes in hospitals are automated. As resumes are usually restricted to a single page theres inadequate room to concentrate on all your abilities. New Ideas Into Nursing Resume Skills Never Before Revealed Savvy resumes are anchored by a thorough summary that enables the reader to rapidly find salient info about the applicant. So as to use a resume to compose a CV, it is very important to find several examples that possess the relevant particulars. Make certain you get the info youre looking for. You will need to have some simple info and a couple dates. Definitions of Nursing Resume Skills Finding the perfect status in the health care field can be daunting. It should concentrate on those skills needed for the position youre applying for that you possess. Utilizin g the resume examples weve developed, its simple to produce your RN resume much better. Resume examples for free will help you in a detailed process on how best to compose your resume. Hiring managers are aware of what they are doing and what things to look for. Before leaning to the LPN job you ought to have a very clear idea about the necessary skills and occupational hazards. To have a job as a licensed practical nurse you will need to submit a perfect LPN resume based on the advertised job description. Nursing is somewhat of an exceptional field, as securing that job will be contingent on your soft abilities and personality along with your experience. Working in such a high-stakes position means there are a few important nursing skills you will need to master to get qualified for the job. In reality, a skills section is a superb alternative for entry-level fresh grad LPNs without an experience or career changers as they have to mention their transferable skills as oppose d to the work description or previous job title. Time management skills are essential for all sorts of health staff, but particularly for nurses. You might already possess a number of the transferable nursing skills required to be successful. The Argument About Nursing Resume Skills You should be helpful in communicating with the patient along with their family members. Irrespective of your degree of job knowledge, your resume structure is critical to making your program stick out. You must use skills in caring and implement different techniques to help the individual improve from present health condition. You ought to understand the caring process for unique diseases. Whether youre a student nurse or a professional nurse, theres always something you can be learning. Nurses have to be able to assess a situation and make crucial decisions immediately. Lacking skilled experience, several new nurses are unsure how to compose their resume. Mentioning everything which you hav e learnt as part of the nursing course will unnecessarily elongate the resume. You may frame your deficiency of experience within the purpose statement in a manner that wont diminish your chances. Within this competitive world, it is extremely crucial to highlight your abilities and work history in your resume in a professional approach to find desirable job offers. Exactly like a patient whos about to get unfortunate news on her or his condition, it would do you well to receive it over and done with. The Nuiances of Nursing Resume Skills Your achievements can be framed along with the duties if at all possible, as a way to include both at precisely the same time, so you explain how you accomplished the results while you performed your regular duties. There are a lot of sections which could be included in your resume. Highlight all of your important achievements and honors which should be included in the resume. Hearsay, Lies and Nursing Resume Skills You may use the skills below. To make certain you concentrate on the appropriate skills make a comprehensive collection of all your abilities. Strong communication skills will be crucial for each of the above scenarios. You need to have good communication abilities and patient handling abilities. Lies Youve Been Told About Nursing Resume Skills Every work listing is going to have a set of requirements. You ought to avoid including information regarding the salary and individual pronouns in the resume. Its possible to still prove that youre ideal for the job. Whether youre searching for your very first job or your next one, you want a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

One for the job-hoppers Stick it out without standing still

One for the job-hoppers Stick it out without standing still Job Hoppers Stick It Out Without Standing StillPosted February 9, 2015, by Marni Williams I recently learned that Generation Z (the post-Millennials) will have 17 jobs, 5 careers and 15 homes in their lifetimes. If I believed that change really was as good as a holiday I might be envious of them, but Ill be honest that actually just sounds exhausting to me. The truth is that todays workforce job-hops almost as much. Social research company McCrindle says that the average person stays in their job for four years, and this is platzdeckchen to drop to just three years by 2020. We talk about stability, but thats a new job for every election mora of us than ever before are attending university, and often that important milestone comes with the expectation that we will not only walk straight into a dream role, but that we can move on quickly once the sheen has worn off. Apart from the enormous costs to businesses of staff turnov er, I fear that by hitting the restart button too often we could be missing out on something significant a good slow burn. No ones disputing that the days of holding out for a gold watch are long behind us. Job hopping has certainly become mora acceptableto recruiters than it used to be (42 per cent of us even think its beneficial to our careers). But does that mean its actually getting us somewhere? Theres still a lot to be said for paying your dues in lower-level roles and working your way up. Stay somewhere long enough and you get something highly valued in todays market time. With time youll develop an irreplaceable corporate memory, youll be able to build relationships with mentors and you can make mistakes without the added pressure of being the newbie. Staying put is a strategy I rate highly my longest stint in one company was eight years (which involved four job changes) and while I now work in a completely different industry, I am positive that I couldnt have made the move successfully without sticking it out there first. So whats stopping so many of us from putting down roots? We cant all be thinking that the grass is greener somewhere else, can we? Actually, three-quarters of us appear to be thinking just that. Job search website SEEK says that three in four Australians are either actively looking for a job or monitoring the job market. But what exactly are we all looking for? Well, it turns out that SEEK wanted to know, too. They asked more than 4,000 Australians to select their reason for joining the job hunt. The resultswere overwhelmingly related to job satisfaction and lifestyle, which is perfectly logical, but the question remains is leaving really the best option? I believe that there are ways to stay where you are and get what you want at the same time. So before we all move on to job number five and wonder where the time went, maybe we should all take a moment to think about staying put and why that doesnt mean standing still. The top reasons for leaving To feel challenged. To try new skills and experience a new industry. To follow your interest/passion. For higher earning potential. For a better work-life balance. If you can smash through your KPIs standing on your head, with no hands and probably even without a head, then youre right its time to move on. But moving on doesnt have to mean changing jobs if you can find a way to make your current job more interesting. A good way to begin is to look back at what youve achieved in your time in the role and see where your strengths lie. Could your company use your skills elsewhere? Are there things that you havent been able to work on yet? Having a frank discussion with your boss will show them youre serious about your work and highly motivated. If you dont establish your value, they wont know how to use it. And if youre not quite ready to demand a shot at the next level, then taking on a new project, sitting in on a new schritte or studying in your free time can certainly open up new avenues and allow you to develop. Feel like your talents are being wasted? Or that business is waning? Before you jump ship, have a think about testing the waters. If you want to try a new skill then you can ask to be seconded to another department or office, you can put your hand up to run a side project or even volunteer in a new industry outside of the office. Volunteering has been shown to make you 27 per cent more employable, so its a great way to try another skill or make contact with another industry without closing a door behind you. If what youre doing is simply not getting you out of bed in the morning, then you may ultimately need to steer yourself in a new direction. But that doesnt mean you need to ditch your job, mortgage your house and christen a start-up in order to follow your passion. ansprechbar study is a good way to build your interests into a career move, and with so many MOOCs (i.e. free online courses) available, you can sa tisfy your soul without any impact on your wallet. If youre further along and are looking to back yourself up with qualifications, then hort courses can get you up to speed in new areas while you continue to pay the bills. Reports continually show that while there are certain professions that pay more (try, anything in health), the number of hours worked almost always goes up along with the pay bracket. If youre making a move for the pay alone, then dont forget that a workplaces culture can be just as important as the money they put on the table. If you want to avoid the workload creep, then perhaps you should be looking to work smarter, not harder. Get yourself a bit more coin by proving youre worth it and asking for a pay rise. Or ask your boss to put you on a course so you can increase your skillset. Getting your efforts recognised and having your boss invest in you could be worth more to you in the long run than making a dash for cash studies show that making more money does nt necessarily make you happier. There are ways you can find a better worklife balance without leaving your job. With communications technology moving forward in leaps and bounds, working from home has never been a more viable option, and never more common. These days its much more acceptable to suggest working remotely for a day or two a week, requesting a job-share arrangement or negotiating flexible hours. While there may be many reasons to leave a job, there are almost always as many reasons to stay. You might even say that a job is like a relationship quit prematurely and you will always wonder what could have been, but if youve tried everything and its still not working, then you can move on knowing you gave it a red hot go. Sticking it out might not feel as rewarding in the short term, but its bound to be a hell of a lot easier than putting yourself on the market every three years Once youve made up your mind to leave, heres what you need to look for in your next job. Reso urcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchescourses to get a government jobnew delhi resume templatecover letter for government job samplehow to get a job in graphic designquestions to ask in a job interview CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMarni WilliamsRelated ArticlesBrowse moreJOB HUNTINGNetworkingLinkedIn 101 How To Make A Great LinkedIn ProfileLinkedIn can be a professional gold mine but many people arent making the most of it. We show you how to boost your profile and, in turn, your career.CAREER INSPIRATIONWork/life balance10 Best Jobs That Let You Work F rom HomeWork in your PJs, skip the commute, set your own hours. From social media management to software development, landing a work from home job is easier than you think.HabitsJob advertisement tipsThe 8 Science-Backed Secrets To Stop Procrastinating, Once And For AllStudies have shown that chronic procrastination is associated with lower pay, unemployment, higher stress, reduced life satisfaction and lack of a partnership - true story. Heres how you can finally stop procrastinating - we have the science to prove it.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Disqualifying Medical Conditions - Mental Health

Disqualifying Medical Conditions - Mental HealthDisqualifying Medical Conditions - Mental HealthMental health in the military is taken very seriously, not just for the admission into the services, but also staying in the services as well. There are many disqualifying medical conditions to entry and continued service into the military, including several that concern mental health and illness. The disqualifying medical conditions are listed below. The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard. The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver) are an authenticated history of Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Perceptual/Learning Disorder(s) (315) is disqualifying unless the applicant can demonstrate passing academic performance and there has been no use of medication in the previous 12 months. Newer regulations may allow for waivers on a case-by- case basis.Current or history of academic skills or perceptual defects secondary to organic or functional mental disorders, including, but not limited to dyslexia, that interfere with school or employment, are disqualifying. However, applicants demonstrating passing academic and employment performance without academic and/ or work accommodations at any time in the previous 12 months may be qualified. Current or history of disorders with psychotic features such as schizophrenia (295), paranoid disorder (297), and other unspecified psychosis (298) is disqualifying. Mood Disorders Mood disorders such as depression, zweipolig disorder, psychoses, and other unspecified depressive issues are disqualifying.Any history of mood disorders requiring medication and/or outpatient care for longer than six months by a mental health professional is also disqualifying. Also, any symptoms of mood and mental issues that affect social ability, school, and learning, or work efficiency are disqualify ing. Current or history of adjustment disorderswithin the previous three months is disqualifying. Behavioral Disorders Behavioral disorders history in school and with law enforcement agencies having to get involved due to dangerous behavior to self or others is disqualifying. Antisocial attitudes or behaviors are disqualifying as people who exhibit these symptoms are typically not adaptive to military service. Any history of personality disorder that is demonstrated by documented and recurring inability to remain in a school environment, work with employers or fellow employees, social groups are disqualifying. Any psychological testing that reveals a high degree of immaturity, instability, personality issues, impulsiveness, or dependency will also interfere with the ability to conform to the rules and regulations of the Armed Forces is disqualifying. If a person has a current or history of behavior disorders that include but not limited to the following conditions Enuresis or en copresis after the 13th birthday is disqualifying.Sleepwalking after 13th birthday is disqualifying.Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or other unspecified eating disorders lasting longer than three months and occurring after the 14th birthday is also disqualifying. Speech Affected Disorders Any speech impediment, stammering, stuttering or other receptive or expressive language disorder that may significantly interfere with the ability to repeat commands is disqualifying. Anxiety, Self-Harm, and Phobias Any history of suicidal behavior, that includes discussions, gestures, or the actual attempt is disqualifying. A history of self-mutilation is also disqualifying. Anxiety issues, either current or historical, or panic, agoraphobia, social phobia, simple phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, other acute reactions to stress, and posttraumatic stress are disqualifying for entry into the service. Any history or current disorderof being dissociative or de-personalizati on are disqualifying. Any history or current somatoform disorders, including, but not limited to hypochondriasis or chronic pain disorder, are disqualifying. Any history or current issue with alcohol dependence, drug dependence, alcohol abuse, or other drug abuse is disqualifying. Of all the medical issues that disqualify a person from being in the service, the mental health side is most rigid in its stance, even if some diagnoses can be highly subjective.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

check the name of your resume file

check the name of your resume file check the name of your resume file This is a small thing, but if youre sending out a resume with a date like resume2013, please go update it right now. Otherwise, fairly soon youll start looking like your job search has been a lengthy one (which, rightly or wrongly, can turn some employers off) and like youre not paying attention to details.And while youre at it, make sure your resume isnt named something like Resume with Janes edits. Thats too much insider information, like leaving Track Changes on when you send it.Aside from these things, though, no one will care what your resume file is called, so feel free to ignore all advice to the contrary.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Top 5 Ways to Market Yourself like a Pro and Land a Job

The Top 5 Ways to Market Yourself like a Pro and Land a JobThe Top 5 Ways to Market Yourself like a Pro and Land a JobHave you recently lost your job thanks to the recession? Or are you just trying to land yourself a great new telecommuting job? Whatever the reason, there are many ways to land that next great opportunity by coming up with a plan to market yourself to potential employers.Here are 5 great ways to market yourself like a Pro1 Design a great resume that will get noticed.As you begin your job search, you are probably encountering many cases where the only way you can apply is by submitting your resume. This can be frustrating because you dont know for koranvers if anyone is actually bothering to read your resume on the other end. However, may recruiters and human resource managers say the same thing when it comes to resumes. They do review resumes that are well-written, grammatically correct and highlighting the skills and experience gained from past employment or educati on. Instead of just creating a dull list of the jobs held and basic duties, include any special achievements or recognition you earned in a descriptive way. For example, if you created a program that saved your previous employer money or increased revenues, be sure to include this.2 Join social and professional networks.Take it from successful marketers who will tell you that the key to getting attention in this very competitive world is to get yourself out there and involved with as may social and professional networks as possible. The truth about job seeking is that sometimes its a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Oftentimes, this means knowing someone who knows of a company thats hiring or some other opportunity. If you want to increase the chances of finding that perfect telecommuting job, then you need to be actively involved with professional and social networks. You can find these networks both locally and online.3 Register with staffing companies and j ob services.Despite the high number of candidates who are out there trying to land a better job, you can increase the chances of successfully landing the job of your dreams by registering with staffing companies and job services. These can be found locally or online. Be sure to post your best resume, highlight your skills and provide any samples of your work if you can to get the attention of companies that are looking for someone with your skills. If you are a freelancer, include links to your website or blog so others can learn more about you.4 Research desirable jobs and companies.There is a wealth of information available to you thanks to modern technology. Once you have decided what kind of career or job youd like to pursue, do a quick search online to find companies that offer those opportunities. Check out their career pages and see what requirements they have for telecommuting roles. You may stumble upon a great opportunity before anyone else does or get an idea about somet hing you can offer as a freelancer.5 Revamp your image.It may sound silly, but if you want to work in a specific role, start giving that impression whenever you go out in public. That doesnt mean you should walk around in a three-piece suit, but it means you should don a professional look and demeanor that will get you noticed by people in your community and professional networks. People will remember you for the well-dressed, well-spoken professional that you are and they will think of you when they hear of a job opportunity. Dont be afraid to try a new haircut, leave business cards in public establishments or redesign your personal web-space to portray a new and better you.Readers, how do you market yourself to potential employers? Let us know in the comments section below